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Category: Education

What is Technology?

What is Technology?

Technology is a term that refers to a wide variety of artifacts that are the result of the systematic application of knowledge. These artifacts are used in many different industries and areas to achieve practical…

What is the Meaning of Internet?

What is the Meaning of Internet?

If you have a basic understanding of what the internet is, you will understand that it is a system of millions of servers connected by the World Wide Web. This means that you cannot go…

Content Management System and its Importance

Content Management System and its Importance

Content management system are systems used to organize and manage the content on a website. They may come in a variety of forms. Some systems offer multilingual support and functionality. These systems can be used…

What is Affiliate Marketing?

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a way for individuals to earn money from products and services that they use. It requires dedication and discipline to be successful. In order to earn a commission, affiliates need to review…

What is an SSD?

What is an SSD?

An SSD (solid-state drive) is a type of computer storage that stores data in a logical block, rather than the traditional spinning disk. The technology began in the 1950s and was first used in high-end…