Have you come across the saying ‘Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them’?
Well, in my case, I received a garage business thrust upon me alongside my family’s expectations.
Car repair and maintenance has always been a hobby of mine. After all, when your family owns a garage and you’re surrounded by cars on a regular basis, how could it not be?
Although I’ve always had a knack for it, the prospect of taking over the garage someday seemed immensely daunting. Nonetheless, it was inevitable.
Let’s dive into my journey of going from a novice mechanic to an experienced car repair professional and how I elevated the family’s garage business along the way.
Where It All Began
Our little garage in Northampton has been in the family for multiple generations. It was upon my eighteenth birthday that my dad continued tradition and passed down the family business to me.
I fondly remember summers spent whiling away time in the shop beside my dad and watching him repair almost any car part you could imagine. From replacing worn-down tyres to repairing faulty suspension car parts and fixing brake systems, my dad was an exceptional car repair professional.
When he passed down the business to me, I certainly felt that I had very big shoes to fill. Yet, the thought of my dad believing in me and trusting me to take over filled me with pride and a drive to succeed.
My initial years were filled with many moments of doubt and uncertainty. Although I had been watching my dad operate the business for so long, I had never worked on the front end of it.
At first, learning how to interact with customers and creating custom fixes for their specific issues was a little challenging. However, time was a great teacher and taught me a lot about how I could run my garage more effectively.
Two years in and my garage was doing great. We had the trust and loyal patronage of our local community and a steady stream of customers to rely on. However a little into that summer, I started thinking, what if we could do more?
My Years in the Industry
This was around the time technology had begun to rapidly evolve and more and more businesses were going digital. After having a deep set of discussions with my dad about the garage and where I wanted to take our little family business, it was time to put my plans into action.
With the number of customers increasing, my dad and I both agreed that we needed to hire more mechanics to help operations run more smoothly. Within a couple of weeks, we had assembled a team of hardworking and dedicated mechanics who strived to do their best.
To help them do their best, I invested in the best mechanic shop software I could find. Many may tell you garage management software isn’t worth the hassle, however, I firmly believe that it is. Ever since I implemented that software, my garage operations have been running smoother than ever.
I was able to easily monitor workshop performance, streamline customer management and even optimise vehicle diagnostics. The garage management software empowered my technicians by automating routine tasks and allowing them to focus on more complicated repairs.
Around a year later, I talked to a friend of mine who worked in website design and began the process of setting up a website for our garage. We did good work here and more people ought to know about it.
Within a few more years, business was booming and we were getting almost triple the number of customers we had started out with. It was around this time that a couple of young adults approached me regarding mentorship. I had never taken on the role of a mentor before, but ever eager to share my knowledge and skills with the next generation, I gladly accepted.
Given my unfamiliarity with the subject, I began by researching how I could become a mentor they would be proud of. I stayed a mentor for just over four years and those years were filled with much learning, on the part of my mentees as well as myself.
During these mentorships, I worked with so many different kinds of people, my social skills definitely improved. I was also able to form more connections within the industry as well as gain some valuable insight into newer garage technology and how it could help my business become more efficient.
To my mentees, I gave them nothing but my best. I drilled the basics into them, shared valuable tricks of the trade and helped them discover their untapped potential and explore what a future in car repair may hold for them. Truly, my years of being a mentor flew by all too soon, but I will always cherish the many memories and lifelong friends I made along the way.
Lessons Along the Way
As a mechanic who’s been in the industry now for just over a decade, I have certainly picked up a lot of things over the years.
Firstly, customers are the heart of any business and the auto repair industry is no different. Learning how to effectively interact with your customers is essential if you want your business to bloom and attract new customers as well.
Secondly, the tools you use are only as important as the hands that wield them. You may think that when running a business, you need to purchase the best high-end tools for your team, however, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. While the tools you use do play an important role, the knowledge and skills of the actual mechanics who use them is just as essential.
Thirdly, always keep an open mind and be ready to learn no matter your level of experience. Back when I was still a mentor, I can’t tell you the number of times some of the wisest tips and advice I received came from my young inexperienced mentees. These occurrences truly opened my eyes to understanding that although I may have worked in the car repair industry for a long time, there was still plenty left for me to learn.
Lastly, always trust your instincts and work to make your dreams a reality. If I hadn’t taken that leap years ago and put in the hard work to make it so, my garage wouldn’t be where it is today. While you may not be sure of a big decision initially, as long as you’ve done your research and thoroughly prepared, you will be able to make anything happen.
In a Nutshell
When I reflect on my journey as a car repair professional, I can see how essential each step has been in shaping my passion for this field. From inheriting my family business to expanding it and taking it to new heights, my professional life’s been quite a collection of experiences.
Despite the continuous changes and advancements in automotive technologies, I could maintain and add to my knowledge base to provide customers with excellent service. Each and every challenge I’ve encountered taught me resilience and innovation and reinforced my commitment to excellence in car repair.
As I look to the future, I am excited to see how the automotive repair landscape evolves and look forward to learning and professional growth.